Oh, Aubergine….

It’s been a little while, hasn’t it?


Since I last posted a recipe… pervs! Sheesh.

Ah, I know. My brain has been in deep thought mode as of late, and honestly, there hasn’t been much time to cook!

I did bust out the DSLR for one gorgeous in-season fruit (?) veg (?)recently … the glorious and quite stunning Rosa Bianca Eggpant.

My gorgeous Rosa Bianca, 2012.

Rosa Bianca Eggplants are different from the usual deep-purple, Grimace-looking, oblong-shaped eggplant you would normally see. They have a blend of purple and white and are more egg-shaped. Translated literally, it is italian for White Rose. What a sexy name.

Regs vs. Rosa B’s. http://www.summertomato.com

I LOVE EGGPLANT… so when Farm Fresh To You  delivered this delightful little heirloom, I was very very happy. I think the taste of a silky roasted eggplant is heaven. Also in this batch? Green onion, gypsy peppers and zucchini. But nothin’ quite like the Rosa B.

Oh, Rosa Bianca, sei così bella, tu sei un pezzo d’arte! http://oneofthosegardendaze.blogspot.com

So this recipe is going to seem all kinds of lame because it really is that simple. I love the true eggplanty flavor. So I don’t do much. You can choose to add in garlic or basil to garnish, I like it simple. Here’s my recipe.

Simply Roasted Rosa Bianca Eggplant

One gorgeous Rosa Bianca eggplant, sliced
Drizzle of olive oil
Kosher salt, pepper to taste

Heat the oven to  350°
Lay out eggplant slices on a foil-lined sheet, drizzle olive oil on each side, sprinkle salt and pepper.
Roast  for 13 minutes, flip pieces, roast another 13 minutes.

I ate my eggplant before I could take a picture of it, heh heh. So had to borrow this one- these aren’t even Rosa Biancas- but you get the gist. http://www.theleftoverqueen.com

Yums!!! Delicate delectable medallions of eggplant in yo mouth.

Here’s another great recipe to try- involving a standard eggplant and parmesan:

Embrace the Eggplant!!!

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